Charlton Heston, one of Hollywood's leading legends of the 1950s and 60s, is dead. Heston was one of America's cultural icons, famous for his Academy-Awarding performance in the chariot-racing epic Ben Hur (my favorite Heston film!) and his turn as Moses in the perennial favorite The Ten Commandments (shown every Easter on TV for years!)
Why am I posting a tribute to Heston on this site? Because Heston twice portrayed one of the leading figures of early 19th century America -- Andrew Jackson.
Heston starred as Jackson in The President's Lady (1953), a movie based on the love affair between Jackson and wife Rachel.
Here's a Susan Hayward promo clip for her role with Heston in The President's Lady...
And Heston later appeared as General Jackson in The Buccaneer, a film starring Yul Brynner as pirate Jean Lafitte. (Heston fans will also remember Brynner as Pharoah Ramses in The Ten Commandments).
Take a few moments to pray for the family of Charlton Heston - and, if you can, get a hold of one of these two classic films and do some reminiscing.
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