Thursday, August 28, 2014

Oops! Britain to US: Sorry for Joking About Burning Your Capital

Two hundred years after the British burned the federal buildings in the U.S. capital to the ground, the British Embassy found itself feeling some heat - once again, of its own making. Seems that a few embassy staff thought it was humorous to poke fun over the whole burning of the White House and Capitol Building that their troops carried out in August 1814 during the War of 1812 (a war named after one year, but which actually encompassed three years). You can read more about the diplomatic "oops" and the Embassy's subsequent apology at the link below...

Maybe the US Embassy in Britain should post a similar tweet in January 2015 (specifically January 8), when we get to the Bicentennial of Andrew Jackson's decisive thrashing of the British army at New Orleans. Then again, maybe not. We are allies today, after all.

Friday, August 01, 2014 Ranks George Washington #3 in List of Top 10 Presidents

Despite the fact that a successful George Washington presidency was indispensable to the United States of America getting off the ground as a stable, self-sufficient country, ranked him behind Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Here's the video....

Personally, I'd rank Lincoln as #2. Yes, his accomplishments were immense, and the United States would've surely divided into two or more countries, were it not for his leadership. But there would have been no United States to divide - no country to fight a civil war - had Washington failed. And to rank Franklin D. Roosevelt above Washington is intellectually unforgivable. Does FDR belong in the Top 10? Absolutely. Probably even in the Top 5. But ahead of the father of our country? Puleeeeeze.

What are your thoughts on the ranking?