Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why the Controversy Over Religion at the Inaugural?

Why the Controversy Over Religion at the Inauguration?
An Interview on "Bob Burney Live," WRFD, 880 AM, Columbus, OH (January 20, 2009)

The controversy over religion at the inauguration continues. That controversy ranges from the inclusion of "so help me God" at the end of the presidential oath to whether there should be prayers offered at the inaugural event.

Yesterday, I was interviewed by guest host David Stokes (sitting in for Bob Burney, host of "Bob Burney Live," a Columbus, Ohio based talk show). David Stokes is the pastor of Fair Oaks Church in Fairfax, Virginia (and, as such, is my former pastor) and is also a radio talk show personality in his own right, serving as primary host for "David Stokes Live." You can read more about him at his website.

This was my very first radio interview, so it wasn't mistake-free on my part. At one point, I tried to say "high, thick wall of separation between God and government" and it came out -- well, it came out a mess. At another point, I asserted that Washington "requested" the Bible to be sworn in on at his inauguration. To be fair, I don't know that to be true. I meant to say that Washington "utilized" the Bible and jumbled it up with "a Bible was requested for Washington's inauguration."

Those errors (and a few jitters) aside, I thought the interview came out well. You can download it by clicking here.

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